World Famous House Blended Pipe Tobaccos

Brown Cavendish completes the blend that pipe smokers love. Reflections is the perfect smoking companion when it’s time to sit back, relax, and reflect on your day. This wonderfully mild and smooth pipe tobacco blend was originally created by Milan’s master blender for a customer who is a doctor by profession.

Pipe Tobacco

Columbus also found the natives smoking pipes and took some samples of the tobacco back to Europe with him. Nicot took tobacco in the form of leaves and snuff to France Pipe Tobacco in Cans and, ultimately, pipe smoking became the first popular way of consuming tobacco. But the American Cancer Society insists that all pipe smokers inhale to some degree.

Kentucky Green River Burley is most commonly used to make Perique. This particular version is the Perique that most pipe smokers are familiar with. These are the two broadest subdivisions of pipe tobaccos, although often the distinctions are blurred. A superb, medium strength ribbon-cut mixture, pleasing to the taste with no trace of sweetness. This mellow English-type blend is created with five full Virginia tobaccos, adding touches of Latakia, Perique, and toasted Cavendish.

This is an English blend, not a walnut-flavored tobacco. John Middleton named the original Walnut after one of the oldest streets in Philadelphia. Golden red Virginias blended with Black Cavendish and gentle cherry extracts create this mild blend.

Please add links to blenders, or informative tobacco sites. R.C. Hamlin has written an excellent article called Tobacco, worth the wait. If you have a copy of this article and would be willing to have us post it here, and/or link to it, please Pipe Tobacco in Cans E-mail me at As stated before, location (soil, climate, etc.) will greatly affect the flavor and character of any tobacco. It is not necessarily true, though, that the best VA’s come from the United States, or from the state of Virginia.

Pipe smokers tend not to inhale as cigarette smokers, and they smoke less often during the course of a day. You might wonder how smoking a pipe compares to other types of smoking in terms of health risks. There is data comparing pipe use to cigarette and hookah use. Pipe smoking has been dwindling in use since the 1960s but is still favored by a small percentage (approximately 1.5%) of smokers in the United States today, especially older men.