Mongodb & Mongoose

This code establishes a /foods endpoint for GET requests (note the plural ā€˜sā€™). The mongoose bmx bike query function find() returns all objects with matching parameters. Since no parameters have been provided, it will return all of the items in the database. MongoDB is one of the most widely used No-SQL databases in the developer world today.

This article briefly introduces databases, and how to use them with Node/Express apps. It then goes on to show how we can use Mongoose to provide database access for the LocalLibrary website. It explains how object schema and models are declared, the main field types, and basic validation. It also briefly shows a few of the main ways in which you can access model data. Then, you can use this schema to create models that are responsible for creating, updating, and reading documents from the collection.


In our case we know the query will return only one result, but even if more than one person matches the filter, only the first result will be returned. Let’s now see how we would use our model for all CRUD operations. Of India, that feeds on rodents, birds, and eggs, noted especially for its ability to kill cobras and other venomous snakes.

Although stored as binary, when we query a database we obtain its representation as a JSON object. In this article we’ll learn through an example application how we can use to model our data and validate it before storing it to MongoDB. Mongoose is the most popular Node.js database framework. Over 1 million GitHub projects depend on Mongoose, ranging from student projects to startups to Fortune 500 companies.

Instead of creating a schema with manually, you can use the NestJS Decorators. This decorator improves the code readability because of the declarative approach. The advantage of this is that altering either or both of these only requires an update to the config.js file rather than to each application source file that requires a connection. The host name and database name are required, but the remaining connection parameters are optional. For simplicity the examples that follow use only the host and database names. However, in a production environment you will always want to secure database access by requiring that users and applications authenticate by specifying an authorized user id and password.

Powered by Typescript, NestJS offers complete support for databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. Using the NestJS Mongoose package, you can easily connect to the MongoDB database and build scalable applications. Mongoose is one of the popular MongoDB object modeling tools. First, by defining our model, we are explicitly telling our Node.js application what fields and data types we’ll allow to be inserted into a specific collection. For example, our Mongoose Blog schema defines atitle property of type String. If we were to try and insert a blog post with a title property that was an array, it would fail.